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Software for MLM


Whether your company is just getting started or has been operating for years, our Multi-level Marketing software systems will provide your company with features and the performance it needs to thrive.!

As your company grows, your system can be modified and expanded to meet the growing demands of your business.

Operating Companies

Our developers specialize in migrating operating companies from legacy systems. We understand the difficulties and special requirements of applying new systems while operating your business. Your business needs top-performing technology for today and the future.

The Migration from an old system to a new system is always scary not to mention challenging, but with Software For Mlm on your team, it can be accomplished efficiently, on schedule and on budget. We'll develop a company upgrade solution that enables you to grasp the industry's best technology.

Pre Launch Companies

For start-up companies we provide complete solutions including software, integrated replicated websites, and salesforce back office.

We make sure you start generating revenue fast, with a complete Multi-level Marketing software system that meets all of your criteria without spending over the budget.

The Disruptive Protocol Cloud Computing Platform

  • Rapid System Deployment

    Our platform supports rapid deployment getting businesses up and running quickly. We assemble an experienced project team along with software that contains easy to setup business rules, pre-packaged reports and dashboards, and a library of pre-built workflows based on years of industry experience.

  • High performance

    Supporting over 500,000 users and millions of transactions a month, Software for Mlm delivers virtually unlimited performance expandability. Direct sellers often experience monthly and seasonal spikes and our clients consistently benefit from our platforms speed, power, and flexibility.

  • Security

    Our platform provides an industry leading security foundation for ensuring data encryption, application security, and physical security

  • Compliance

    Software for Mlm platform is PCI compliant protecting your investment.

  • Redundancy

    We provide global, 24x7 system support, with guaranteed Service Level Agreements.

Compensation Plans

There are a lot of different approaches to downline organizations and compensation plans. Over the past years we have mastered all of them. Some have even been invented by our clients. No other company can implement your plan better than SOFTWARE 4 MLM.

Supported Plans

  • Unilevel

    Configure your unilevel for as many levels as you want on any percentage you want. You are given the option to vary the percentage each user plan can get when referring new users and how many levels such user is able to earn based on their current plan.

  • Binary Matrix

    Every time someone joins the binary, admin is able to configure a percentage amount top users can earn from new enrollment as well as how many levels deep can each plan earn from the compensation plan.

  • Repurchase

    Admin can activate the function to request users to make repurchase every time they reach certain earnings, Admin can also set when the repurchase will occur, for example, when they double their orginal purchase, or triple, etc. Each plan can pay same bonuses or different bonuses when repurchase occurs.

  • Binary

    Configure your binary bonus percentage and caps. Admin has the ability to configure which plan earns which percentage and which is the daily/weekly/monthly caps on such bonus.

  • Daily Payment / Profit Sharing

    Admin can configure a payment to users based on their package. Such payment gets distributed among all QUALIFIED users and reports are given to admin.

  • Ranks

    Admin can configure as many ranks as needed either based on unilevel with 40% rule or in binary shorter leg.

Software Features

System Integrations

We are a technology partner that can handle your systems integration requirements, both now and for the future.

Our clients require integration between proprietary or 3rd party systems and the Multi-level Marketing software platform. We are a technology partner that has the experience to work with other providers to complete integration projects.